Pasado de Él, historia de Ella: Un Guía para Esposas de Sobrevivientes de Abuso Sexual Infantil y Trauma (Spanish Edition)

Please click on the button above to find Dr. Warner's Amazon page. Once there, you will find many sections, but one in particular for SCRIPT Resources! 

Breaking the Silence of Male Trauma Survivors

dr. Debra Warner


This book utilizes data gathered over six months of following interventionist teams to show how their work assisted in instilling safety on the streets with qualitative and quantitative data.  Crime reduction is discussed using data gathered, along with narrative examples.  The book will show how community intervention reduces street violence and assists with community policing efforts.



Beavers, Foxes and Grizzly Bears ... Oh, and Cheetahs, Fish and Sloths Too: A Book About Animals, People and Behavior in the Workplace

This is a book about organizational leadership; specifically, how to support employees' needs and achieve a good fit in the workplace. The book contains expert opinion to support ideas related to leadership. It also uses a 9 year-old boy's imagination of what work life should be through the creation of a new organizational theory: Binary Responsibility. The theory is articulated through the introduction of various animal characters and the tale of Billy Beaver, a Team Leader at Backwoods Builders with a career dilemma.


This book tells the story of five interventionists who work the streets of some of Los Angeles’ toughest neighborhoods.  It articulates who they were and how they got to be who they are now. Each story has similarities and differences but each provides a close-up of a life most of us only see through the lens of Hollywood fantasy.  This book is the reality behind that fantasy.  It gives credit for the hard, dangerous and usually unsung work each of these individuals do. 


You have heard of the #MeToo movement. But have you heard of the #MenToo movement? Little is known about male trauma and Dr. Debra Warner explains that men are also suffering sexual assault. Dr. Debra Warner is a leading forensic psychologist, trauma expert, author, and speaker who specializes in male trauma. She is the spouse of a male survivor and authored “His History, Her Story, a Survival Guide for Spouses of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma.” She has devoted her professional efforts to helping men and their loved ones confront and conquer their long term effects of trauma on the male psyche. She frequently addresses issues related to the #MenToo movement, challenges masculinity stereotypes, and works to dismantle stigmas related to male trauma. She currently is a professor at the Los Angeles campus of the Chicago School of Professional Psychology’s Psy.D. in Clinical Forensic Psychology, and a sought-out expert witness, psychological evaluator, and consultant. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.


Pasado de Él, historia de Ella es el primer libro que explora el impacto del abuso sexual infantil masculino en las relaciones de adultos. Se dirige en ayudar a ambos la pareja de sobrevivientes del trauma y profesionales de salud mental, el libro está escrito desde la perspectiva única de la Dra. Debra Warner, una líder Americana en Psicología Forense en el campo del trauma masculino quien está casada con un sobreviviente al trauma.

Dra. Warner, es una de las pocas mujeres especializadas en trauma masculino, comparte ambas perspectivas su historia y la de su esposo, según ellos pasan por el camino de la recuperación y sanación. Utilizando la sabiduría que ha obtenido desde la experiencia tanto personal como profesional, ella le provee una dirección manos a la obra, considerando ambas perspectivas: esposa y psicóloga forense para ayudar a los sobrevivientes y a sus parejas a mejor hacia la relación rica y satisfactoria que ellos merecen.

Para los profesionales de salud mental, este libro representa un recurso innovador que explora en detalle el fenomeno del trauma masculino y los problemas asociados. Contiene una recopilación amplia de artículos por psicólogos líderes y profesionales que trabajan en el campo del trauma masculino y las relaciones.

His History, Her Story is the first book to explore the impact of male childhood sexual abuse on adult relationships. Aimed at helping both the partners of trauma survivors and mental health professionals, the book is written from the unique perspective of Dr. Debra Warner, the leading American forensic psychologist in the field of male trauma who is married to a trauma survivor.

Dr. Warner, who is one of few women specializing in male trauma, shares both her story and her husband’s as they make the journey to healing and recovery. Using the wisdom gained from her personal and professional experience, she provides hands-on direction as both wife and forensic psychologist to help survivors and their partners lead the rich and fulfilling relationships that they deserve.

For mental health professionals, this book represents a groundbreaking resource that explores in detail the phenomenon of male trauma and related issues. It contains the largest compilation of papers by leading psychologists and professionals working in the field of male trauma and relationships.



Summit on Community Resilience, Intervention, Prevention, and Training